Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's that fucking mole on your back, jesus.

Q: I met this guy and I began to feel he was the guy of my dreams.

This wonderful guy broke it off at the beginning of last August saying he didn't want a relationship right now, and we didn't see eachother enough.

A: Um is that a question? I don't see any question marks in there. Perhaps you aren't comprehending this process we have going on here.

As for your statement, this man contradicts himself more than Tupac Shakur. He doesn't want a relationship right now AND he doesn't think you saw eachother enough? This guy is playing blind break up darts, the fun game where you throw a shit load of excuses at a wall blindly and hope one of them hits its mark.

I think it's fairly obvious that he discovered that green mole on your back and was so revolted that he had to end his relationship with your life immediately. What the fuck is that thing anyways?

Warmest regards,


Krissyface said...

You failed to mention the shit oozing out of the mole. Duh.

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Ha! Finally someone who gives honest love advice! ;-)

Narm said...

Maybe he meant he didn't see enough of you - as in - take off your clothes and put out.

glendoor42 said...

From the subtitle of your blog I thought "Hey, I didn't know I was writing a love advice column"
Then I realized it wasn't me writing because the subtitle would have said " Love advice from a idiot who is a divorced alcoholic who later remarried the same bitch and has been convicted of drunk driving twice"

Funny stuff, keep it up.

Matt said...

Maybe he meant he didn't see enough of her- tits.